When can I wash my hair after ombre brows?

When can I wash my hair after ombre brows?

Ombre brows have become a popular semi permanent cosmetic tattoo technique, giving clients beautiful, natural looking brows. If you’ve just had your ombre brows done, proper aftercare is key to get the best results and longevity of the pigment. One of the biggest concerns clients have is when they can wash their hair without compromising the healing process. Compared to microblading, ombre brows heal faster and require different aftercare.

feathering eyebrows near me

The First 7-10 Days Are Critical

After getting ombre brows, the first 7-10 days are the most important for healing. During this period the skin is going through the initial healing process and excess moisture can interfere with pigment retention. You need to keep your brows as dry as possible to prevent scabbing, premature fading or pigment loss. The healing process varies from person to person and factors like oily skin, dry skin and skin type play a role on how your brows will heal. Unlike microbladed eyebrows which create hair like strokes, ombre brows uses a shading technique that can result to a softer appearance.

When Can You Wash Your Hair?

You can wash your hair after ombre brows but you need to be extra careful during the first 7-10 days to ensure your brows don’t get wet. Here are some guidelines:

  1. Day 1-3: Avoid getting your brows wet at all. It’s best to wash your hair before your appointment to minimize the need to wash during the initial healing phase.
  2. Day 4-10: If you need to wash your hair, take extra precautions to keep water, shampoo and conditioner away from your brows. Water, especially hot water and direct water pressure can disrupt the healing process. If you had a powder eyebrow tattoo, keeping your brows dry during this period is crucial for pigment retention.
  3. After 10 Days: The brows will have scabbed and started to flake. Although they are still healing internally, they are more resistant to moisture exposure. But complete healing can take 4-6 weeks so extra care is still needed during this time.
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eyebrow tattoo

How to Wash Your Hair Without Getting Brows Wet

To get the best results, follow these tips when washing your hair:

  • Use a Shower Cap or Visor: Invest in a shower visor to keep your brows dry and prevent water exposure.
  • Wash Your Hair Backwards: Tilt your head back in the shower to prevent water from getting on your face.
  • Use Dry Shampoo: If you can, use dry shampoos to stretch the time between washes and keep the brow area clean.
  • Get Someone to Help: If you can’t keep your brows dry, ask a friend or hairdresser to help you wash your hair.

What Happens If Your Brows Get Wet?

If your ombre brows get wet, gently pat dry with a clean tissue or cotton pad—do not rub. Excessive moisture can cause uneven healing, poor pigment retention and infection. If you need to clean the area, use a damp cotton pad with sterile water or warm water.

tattoo brows

Ombre Brow Aftercare

Proper aftercare is key to maintaining your perfect Microblading eyebrows. Here’s a few aftercare tips:

  • Apply a thin layer of aftercare ointment or prescribed ointment as instructed by your tattoo artist.
  • Do not use harsh products, antibacterial soap or aggressive washing on the brow area.
  • Avoid sun, UV and chemical treatments like chemical peels and facial treatments for the first phase.
  • No hot showers, steam can affect pigment retention.
  • Keep the brow area clean and use a cotton swab to remove excess lymph fluid during the initial healing process.
  • Follow your scheduled touch up appointments to maintain color.
  • Do not pick at dead skin or scabs during healing to prevent pigment loss.
  • Microblading aftercare is slightly different than ombre brow aftercare.
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cosmetic tattoo eyebrows

Final Thoughts

Follow aftercare instructions to the T and your ombre brows will heal beautifully and retain their pigment. Avoid direct water for at least 7-10 days and be cautious when washing your hair. If you have any concerns about your healing process, consult your brow artist. Remember permanent makeup requires healing and the whole healing process can take 6-12 weeks depending on your skin type and aftercare routine. Powder brow tattoo treatments can last longer with proper care and keep your brows looking fresh and defined.

By following these steps you’ll protect your investment and have flawless, long-lasting ombre powder brows!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I shower after ombre brows?

No, avoid direct water on your brows for at least 7-10 days. You can shower but make sure water doesn’t hit your brows by tilting your head back and using a shower cap or visor.

How long does the healing process take?

The healing process varies but usually takes about 4-6 weeks for ombre brows to fully heal. The initial healing phase is 7-10 days where you must follow aftercare instructions strictly.

Can I apply makeup on my brows during the healing period?

No, don’t apply makeup on or near the brow area during the healing process to prevent infection and pigment disruption.

Will my ombre brows fade over time?

Yes, like all cosmetic tattoos, ombre brows will fade over time. Proper aftercare and regular touch-ups (usually every 1-2 years) can help maintain their appearance and colour retention.

Can I exercise after ombre brows?

Avoid strenuous activities that cause sweating for at least a week after the procedure. Excess sweat can interfere with the healing process and affect pigment retention.

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